You wouldn't accept that type of behavior from an adventure guide, so why do we accept that type of behavior from ourselves? Often times our attitudes and beliefs about what others may think of us, launch us into the river of life and cause us to struggle upstream. For instance, I had spent 10 years of my adult life building my teaching career, only to have it ripped away one hot July Summer day (the 21st - yes I do remember) with one phone call "we will not be renewing your contract this year." The aftermath of that phone call had left me with a meager supply of self respect, happiness, and money. For two years after that faithful day, I felt a lot like I was bucking upstream - going against the current of my life.
I had come face to face with the limiting beliefs that would keep me from entering into a "new" life overflowing with abundance. It took me a while, but I soon realized that I am not a paycheck. I am not a job. I am not bound by any contract in life - legal, state, or otherwise. I am human. I am a woman. I am a daughter. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am worthy to be loved and accepted regardless of my earning potential. My job description in no way shape or form defines who I am. I am strong. I am resilient. I am resourceful. I am smart. I am lovable. Most of all, I am and always will be - me! I am my own personal life adventure guide. I get to decide in which direction my life will go. I've decided the best course of action for the rest of my life is to go down stream, and finally after three arduous years I am finally flowing on the river of life taking on all the gifts my life has to offer. I am no longer struggling against the current. Today and every day of my life - no matter my circumstances, I will flow joyfully with the current of my life. How do I know? Because I've learned to be happy. In the words of "Yoda" from the movie Star Trek "happy am I."
Instead of valuing yourself in terms of your income, your job, or how many zeros are in your bank account, set your mind to view prosperity as freedom - freedom to do more for ourselves and to be of better service to others. You are worthy to receive all the gifts this world has to offer, you just need to adjust your thinking - abundance is after all, in large part, an attitude. You deserve to live abundantly. Life is a blessing. When you take the time to care for your own needs, you feel well cared for and wealthy no matter the circumstances. In what way will you encourage yourself to learn to live "abundantly" today?