Monday, September 3, 2012

Why We Work

Today is Labor Day

 – a day to celebrate the creation of the labor movement and the social and economic achievements of working Americans. As I enjoy this day off from “work” with my family, I started to wonder – Why do I work?

In today’s economic climate, many of us work to keep a roof over our head, clothes on our back, and food on the table. In the era of staycations, daycations, and nocations; work has become so much a part of our lives that fun is now optional. Ask the adults you see what they do for fun these days, and I’m sure there will be a short pause before you get an answer. The longer the person pauses before the answer, the lower the fun factor. Remember the days when you could work from 9 to 5, and still have money to spend with friends and relatives. I sure do. Today you need to be a CPA or financial planner to find discretionary income for your recreational activities, but all is not lost on the notion of working hard for the money. With a little creativity and imagination, we can find a way to work our way to a better life.  

N enjoying dinner with the family at The Rain Forest Cafe Restaurant in Atlantic City on the Boardwalk.

 Of course there are the obvious reasons to work, but I’m thinking beyond the paycheck. We work to maintain or obtain a lifestyle. We work to raise and protect our children. We work to keep our marriages and relationships healthy. We work to save the environment, animals, and our planet. We work to obtain high school diplomas and college degrees. We work to keep our communities safe. We work to ensure that our children will receive a quality education. We work to get our bodies fit and to keep our diets healthy. We work to find hormone free, antibiotic free, pesticide free foods for our family to eat. We work to find deals and coupons to save money on our budgets. We work to find time for hobbies. We work on our house DIY projects on the weekends to improve our living spaces. We work to become experts in our careers. We work to maintain our self-esteem. We work to stay focused on our goals. We work on spiritual connectivity. We work to obtain knowledge. We work to let others know how much we appreciate them. We work to love one another. We work to forgive. We work to find love. We work to understand our purpose in life. We work to know peace, and finally we work on creating our own happiness.

Most days I work at all of the above on some level or another, so taking a day to celebrate the labor movement and my social-economic achievements is quite fitting. Finally a national holiday celebration just for me! Every day I work at being a wife, mother, educator, blogger, entrepreneur, nutritional lifestyle coach, and environment activist. I deserve a day off. I’ve been struggling all day because I don’t think that I know how not to work, but I’m giving it a valiant effort. All I know is that my work is my life, and that makes me happy. 

All flowers makes me happy. Looking at them makes me feel like I've been kissed by nature.

So now it’s your turn. Why do you work? Let me know by leaving a comment. If you feeling like “working” on enjoying a night out on the town, use Google, Twitter, or Yahoo to follow me on this blog AND my new blog “EducanDoit,” and your name will be entered into a drawing to win a national chain restaurant gift card. Drawing will be held on Monday, September 17. So get those fingers “working” on that computer keyboard, and help me “work” my magic communicating through my blogs. Here we go!

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